Database, Relations

Free Notion Template: SEO Keyword Research Database

Keyword research tool and database for notion template

➤ Start An SEO Page

The SEO keyword research database is designed to collect important keywords from SEO tools like SEMrush and Google Keyword Planner into Noiton. These tools, and their free versions too, provide some basic information like Monthly searches, Keyword competition, Keyword trends, and more. Transfer this data into a Notion database and relate relevant keywords to content in your content calendar or task manager. Here’s how it works.

product updates notion aesthetic template

Product Updates

Customize a What's New product update page to share with your customers with a public roadmap and several visualization methods.

Free Keyword Tools To Utilize

The Keyword Database at a Glance

This single database has eight properties to get you started. Properties in a Notion database describe the details of every entry in a database. Every entry in this database is a new keyword.

Click to expand


The Database Properties Explained

Each keyword has three relation properties (properties with arrow pointing to the upper right), in addition to other basic descriptors. Relation properties connect one database to another in Notion. And in some cases, you may want to connect a database to itself.

  • Root Keyword and Words Related are both related to the keyword database. The keyword or phrase may be the extension of another keyword. For example, notion templates has a root keyword of notion. notion budget template has a root keyword of notion templates AND notion.

  • Content Ideas is another relation property that connects to a database called Content Ideas. This connection shows how a Notion user can connect relevant keywords to future or present content projects in the workspace.

  • Trend, Monthly Searches, and Competition are all select properties. Select properties have a selection of items to choose from a drop-down menu.

  • CPC is a number property. Change the currency of a number via the 123 button found in every number cell. CPC stands for cost per click.

  • CPC Rate is a formula property that determines if the CPC is poor, neutral, or great. This formula assumes that the average CPC for my niche is $3.70. You can change this as fits for you.

    • if(prop("CPC") >= 0, if(prop("CPC") > 3.7, "✓ Great CPC", if(prop("CPC") < 1.8, "↓ Poor CPC", "– Neutral CPC")), "")


The Database Template Explained

Upon clicking a database entry and navigating to the body of the page, there will be a template called “New Keyword.” This template will generate all keywords that associate with the current entry. All entries that will populate here can also be found in the Words Related relation.


Dashboard: Grouping By Root Word

In the homepage of the template, you’ll notice that every keyword is grouped under its root keyword (if it has one). To achieve this, navigate to the database menu via (…) and find Group. Here, you can group items by any property in your database including Root Keyword.

You can also quickly add a new Root Keyword in this window at the bottom of the database. Click Add a group.


Further Reading