Dashboards, Relations

A Clean Notion Dashboard To View Subtasks (Free Template)

A Clean Dashboard To View Subtasks In Notion (Free Template) Cover

๐Ÿ—’ Subtask Dashboard

There are many options to view your tasks in Notion, including a table, kanban, and gantt chart. In this clean dashboard template, I include a variety of windows to access stacked tasks in the program. Stacked tasks are a collection of to-dos that can be simplified into small manageable objectives. The layers in this stackable workspace are Area, Parent Task/Project, Subtask, and Timetable.

notion template meal planner

Meal Planner

Record all of your recipes, ingredients, kitchen inventory, and meal planning in one hub.

The Notion Dashboard


Task Areas

Categorize all tasks into areas or task folders like work, home, or side-hustle. In this database view there is a template to choose upon creating a new entry in the body of the page. Below is what the template includes.


  1. Cover: files & media property

  2. Tasks: relation property to Task Planner database


Task Planner Window

  1. All tasks associated with area

  2. Percentage of subtasks completed for each task listed

  3. Priority of each task listed


Parent Tasks/Projects

Visualize all properties associated with the parent task and all subtasks to complete it. Parent tasks can also be called Projects, or tasks that can be broken into smaller subtasks.

Properties Shown

  1. Area: relation property from Areas database

  2. Due Date: date property

  3. Priority: select property with options for High, Moderate, and Low

4. Done: checkbox property


Properties Hidden

  1. Subtasks/Sessions: relation property to Task Planner

  2. Deadline: formula property
    Formula: "Due:" + formatDate(end(prop("Due Date")), " L LT")

  3. Progress: rollup property that displays % complete



Visualize all properties associated with the subtasks of parent tasks and all the work sessions scheduled to complete them inside a timetable. In addition, calculate how many total hours are spent on each task.

Properties Shown

  1. Parent Task: relation property from Task Planner database

  2. Due Date: date property

  3. Priority: select property with options for High, Moderate, and Low

4. Done: checkbox property


Properties Hidden

  1. Subtasks/Sessions: relation property to Task Planner


Sessions Timetable Window

  1. Today: formula property to return sessions for today
    Formula: if(formatDate(start(prop("Work Time")), "LL") == formatDate(now(), "LL"), "โš‘ Do This Today", "")

  2. Start Time: formula property to return start time of session
    Formula: "โŒฝ " + formatDate(start(prop("Work Time")), "LT")

  3. Hours: formula property to return number of hours worked of finished session
    Formula: if(prop("Done"), floor(100 * dateBetween(end(prop("Work Time")), start(prop("Work Time")), "minutes") / 60) / 100, toNumber(""))

  4. Done: checkbox property

  5. Result: select property with options Productive, Over Achieved, Under Achieved, and ๐Ÿšง Hit Roadblock.


Sessions Timetable

View all timed sessions in the original Timetable database grouped by parent subtask. These sessions track all working times for subtasks, and as a result, allow the Notion user to calculate total hours worked for every task.


Further Reading