
Free Notion Template: Story Outline Database

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🖇️ Story Planning

Breaking a story down into broad groupings before or during the writing process is something that Notion can be a great tool for. In this database I include a handful of potential methods to divide a story with scenes, acts, and chapters. As well, character arcs and inner/outer character journeys. Here is how I used a combination of select and multi-select properties to make this process a breeze.

The Two Database Views

  • 1 Gallery view

  • 1 Table view

Click to expand

Each new entry is considered an “event” in the outline with various options for characterizing the event as described below.

Click to expand

The ProperTies

You can add to or remove the properties to customize your own story outline database. Personally, I like to begin an outline with only act/scene and in later stages divide the outline into chapters.

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The Database Template

Upon clicking a new entry, a template option appears that auto-populates the following h2 headlines:

  • Cause of event

  • Outline of event

  • Parallel subordinate events

  • Themes

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This database is a part of a bigger world-building template I’m in the middle of creating and thought I’d share this database in the meantime.


Further Reading