
Advanced Notion Formula: Find Interval Progression


📊 Compare Row Values

I wanted to find a way to calculate the difference only between the most recent two entries in a database. Using the formula (highlighted by the red arrow above), I was able to produce the difference automatically as new entries are made. As well (highlighted by the blue arrow above), I found how to capture the percentage increase between the most recent interval and the previous.

How The Databases Are Setup

There are two databases:

  1. The calculator (top)

  2. The main database (bottom)

Screen Shot 2021-02-10 at 11.04.54 AM.png

Each connect via a relation property.

Screen Shot 2021-02-10 at 11.08.17 AM.png

I automate this connection with the following filter:

Screen Shot 2021-02-10 at 11.02.45 AM.png

Next, a rollup called “Views” is made inside the calculator to Total Views from the original database. The formulas will refer to only to this rollup.

Screen Shot 2021-02-10 at 11.16.24 AM.png

Formulas For Interval Progress

These formulas are located in the Calculator Database

Last Interval Formula

if(toNumber(replace(prop("Views"), ".*[,]", "")) - toNumber(replace(replace(prop("Views"), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ".*[,]", "")) >= 0, "+" + format(toNumber(replace(prop("Views"), ".*[,]", "")) - toNumber(replace(replace(prop("Views"), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ".*[,]", ""))) + " Views", format(toNumber(replace(prop("Views"), ".*[,]", "")) - toNumber(replace(replace(prop("Views"), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ".*[,]", ""))) + " Views")

Increase %

floor(1000 * (toNumber(replace(prop("Views"), ".*[,]", "")) - toNumber(replace(replace(prop("Views"), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ".*[,]", "")) - (toNumber(replace(replace(prop("Views"), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ".*[,]", "")) - toNumber(replace(replace(replace(prop("Views"), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ".*[,]", "")))) / (toNumber(replace(replace(prop("Views"), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ".*[,]", "")) - toNumber(replace(replace(replace(prop("Views"), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ",(?:.(?!,))+$", ""), ".*[,]", "")))) / 1000

The Formulas In Action


Further Reading