
Notion Trick: Center Text Inside A Cell Using Regex

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⚒️ Align Formula Text

Here’s a little trick I use to arrange alignment of text inside a cell. Using regex (regular expression), one can move text inside a Notion Formula with the “Wrap Cells” toggle on. I find this particularly useful for UID implementation, dates and other text values that appear in a consistent format.

The Different Styles

“\n” - new line

“\t” - tab text

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Break formula into separate lines

"foo isn't\nbar"

Tab Text To The Right

"\tThis is tabbed"

Break Formula InTo A Stair Arrangement

"This is" + "\n\tstacked" + "\n\t\tand tabbed"

Center Text In Cell

"\n\t This is center of cell"

This trick is sensitive to cell-width.

Use-Case: ID Setup In My Notes Database

format(timestamp(prop("Created Time"))) + "\n\t" + formatDate(prop("Created Time"), "MMMM YYYY")

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