✔️ Return Progress
After creating this habit tracker in Notion, I wondered if there were an easier approach to finding the percentage of ticked checkboxes in a given row. It can be shortened using the unaryPlus function, of which converts true with the number 1 and false with 0. Below is the formula in action via a simple tasks database.
Checkbox Formula
round(100 * (unaryPlus(prop("Discuss")) + unaryPlus(prop("Procedures")) + unaryPlus(prop("Review")) + unaryPlus(prop("Final"))) / 4) / 100
Find the sum of all checkboxes:
round(100 * (unaryPlus(prop("Discuss")) + unaryPlus(prop("Procedures")) + unaryPlus(prop("Review")) + unaryPlus(prop("Final"))) / 4) / 100
Divide the sum by the number of checkboxes:
round(100 * (unaryPlus(prop("Discuss")) + unaryPlus(prop("Procedures")) + unaryPlus(prop("Review")) + unaryPlus(prop("Final"))) / 4) / 100
Round the entire calculation with the “round” function:
round(100 * (unaryPlus(prop("Discuss")) + unaryPlus(prop("Procedures")) + unaryPlus(prop("Review")) + unaryPlus(prop("Final"))) / 4) / 100