
ABC's of Notion Formulas with Examples


Notion Formulas

Learn all the functions Notion has to offer for their databases formulas. Understand syntax, purpose, and practical examples for each. Looking for more formula ideas? Check out the link at the bottom of the article for more database inspiration.


add: operator for calculations

Adds two numbers and returns their sum, or combines two text strings.

Formula: add strings

add("Hello", " World")

and: operator for arguments

String two+ arguments together to returns the logical AND between them.

Formula: multiple checkboxes clicked true

prop("Habit 1") and prop("Habit 2") and prop("Habit 3")

abs: function for calculations

Find the absolute value of a number.

Formula: find absolute value of days between today and date

abs(dateBetween(now(), prop("Deadline"), "days"))



concat: function for strings

Connect text strings together in one function.

Formula: automate response from form with names

concat("Hello ", prop("First Name"), ", ", "thank you for the sub")

cbrt: function for calculations

Find the cube root of a number.

ceil: function for calculations

Round a number up to the closest integer. For percentages, you can round up a number like 15.3667% to 16%.

Formula: find week number in current month

ceil((date(now()) + day(dateSubtract(now(), date(now()) - 1, "days")) - 1) / 7)

contains: function for arguments

Finds if one argument is contained in another.

Formula: entry contains particular tag

contains(prop("Tags"), "Tag 2")



day: function for dates

Find the day (Sun-Sat) for a determined date or the current date ("now()"). Days range from 0-6. 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday.

Formula: date lands on weekend

or(day(prop("Date")) == 0, day(prop("Date")) == 6)

divide: function for calculations

Divide two+ numbers to return their quotient.

dateAdd: function for dates

Push dates forward from a defined date or todays' date ("now()"). Date types include "years," "days," "weeks," "quarters," "months," and more.

Formula: push date forward via a select dropdown menu option

dateAdd(prop("Date"), toNumber(prop("Push")), "days")

dateSubtract: function for dates

Push dates backward from a defined date or today's date ("now()"). Date types include "years," "days," "weeks," "quarters," "months," and more.

Formula: find the first day of this month

formatDate(dateSubtract(now(), date(now()) - 1, "days"), "MMMM D, YYYY")

dateBetween: function for dates

Find the length of time between two defined dates or a defined date and today's date. The order of operations should go as follows:

  • dateBetween(date farthest away, date closer to now, amount, "date type")

Formula: find days between now and an upcoming deadline

dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "days")

date: function for dates

Find number a date lands on. For example, the date for August 4, 2021 is 4.



e: constant for calculations

Base of the natural logarithm. A function best suited for growth equations.

Formula: interest rates and compound growth

prop("Start Amount") * e ^ (prop("Interest Rate") * prop("Years"))

equal: operator for arguments

Finds if two+ arguments are equal.

Formula: find if defined finance goal is met

equal(prop("Balance"), prop("Goal")) ? "Yes! Goal Achieved" : ""

exp: function for calculations

This function replaces any instance where e^x is used. What is inside the function represents the argument x.

Formula: interest rates and compound growth (alternative)

prop("Start Amount") * exp(prop("Interest Rate") * prop("Years"))

end: function for dates

When using a date-range, return the end date. When using a dateBetween function with a date-range, place the end date in the front of the operation.

Formula: days elapsed between a date range

dateBetween(end(prop("Work Time")), start(prop("Work Time")), "days")

empty: operator for arguments


Determine if cell is empty anywhere in a database by wrapping this function around the name of the property.

Formula: fill cell alert




floor: function for calculations

Round a number down to the closest integer. For percentages, you can round down a number like 15.8667% to 15%.

Formula: find current month's progress

floor(100 * date(now()) / date(dateSubtract(dateAdd(dateSubtract(now(), date(now()) - 1, "days"), 1, "months"), 1, "days"))) / 100

format: function for strings

Format any argument into a text string. In other words, you can convert a numerical value into text.

Formula: combine number and text string

format(2 + 5) + " days"

fromTimestamp: function for dates


Convert a timestamp into a date.

formatDate: function for dates


Format defined date or today's date. Here are some syntax options:

  • MMMM โ†’ January

  • DD โ†’ 05

  • YYYY โ†’ 2021

  • h:mm a โ†’ 7:38 am

Formula: return time an entry is created

formatDate(prop("Created"), "h:mm a")



hour: function for dates

Find the hour for a determined date/time or the current time ("now()"). Hours are 0-24.

Formula: find the current time of day (ie. morning)

if(hour(now()) == 0, "", if(hour(now()) < 12, "Morning", if(hour(now()) < 17, "Afternoon", if(hour(now()) < 25, "Evening", ""))))



if: operator for arguments


Return a result only if a condition is met. If the condition is not met return a false condition. Two options for syntax:

  • if(condition, result, false condition)

  • condition ? result : false condition

Formula: find if deadline lands on today and return string

if(formatDate(now(), "L") == formatDate(prop("Deadline"), "L"), "Due Today", "")



join: function for strings

Join a series of strings with one special character.

Formula: combine properties to create an ID

join(":", formatDate(prop("Created"), "L"), prop("Created by"))



larger: operator for arguments

Return if one argument is larger than another.

Formula: determine if deadline is overdue and not done

empty(prop("Done")) and formatDate(prop("Deadline"), "L") != formatDate(now(), "L") and now() > prop("Deadline")

largerEq: operator for arguments

Return if one argument is equal to OR greater than another argument.

Formula: return if meeting is today and the current or future time

formatDate(prop("Meeting"), "L") == formatDate(now(), "L") and prop("Meeting") >= now()

length: function for strings

Return the number of characters in a string.

Formula: find number of tags in a multi-select property

if(length(prop("Tags")) > 0, length(replaceAll(prop("Tags"), "[^,]", "")) + 1, 0)

ln: function for calculations

Inverse of the exponential function ("exp()"). Read more about the ln() function.

log10: function for calculations

Base 10 logarithm of a number.

Formula: find number of digits in a number


log2: function for calculations

Base 2 logarithm of a number.



max: function for arguments

Find the maximum value among two+ numbers.

min: function for arguments

Find the minimum value among two+ numbers.

mod: operator for calculations

Returns the remainder of the quotient of two numbers. The best use of this function is to return date and time ranges between two dates.

Formula: return hours and minutes elapsed in the same day

format(mod(dateBetween(end(prop("Work Time")), start(prop("Work Time")), "hours"), 24)) + "h " + format(mod(dateBetween(end(prop("Work Time")), start(prop("Work Time")), "minutes"), 60)) + "m"

month: function for dates

Find the month for a determined date or the current date ("now()"). Months range from 0-11.

Formula: determine if deadline is in the current month

month(now()) == month(prop("Deadline"))

multiply: funtion for calculations

Find the product of two numbers.

minute: function for dates

Find the minute for a determined date/time or the current date/time ("now()"). Minutes range from 0-59.

Formula: find progress of current hour

ceil(100 * minute(now()) / 60) / 100



not: operator for arguments


Return if argument is not meeting a condition.

Formula: true if one checkbox is ticked and another is not

prop("Prepped") and not prop("Re-schedule")

now: function for dates

Timestamp for current date and time.

Formula: return how many days have passed since entry was created

format(abs(dateBetween(prop("Date Created"), now(), "days"))) + " days ago"



or: operator for arguments

String two+ arguments together to returns the logical OR between them.



pow: operator for calculations

Use the exponent power for calculations. Can also be written as โ€˜x^yโ€™.

pi: constant for calculations

Ratio of a circleโ€™s circumference to its diameter. 3.14159 โ€ฆ.



replace & replaceAll: function for strings

Define one character to remove or replace.

  • Step 1: define expression โ†’ replace("hello", "ello", "i")

  • Step 2: define characters to replace โ†’ replace("hello", "ello", "i")

  • Step 3: replace defined character with another โ†’ replace("hello", "ello", "i")

  • Result: hi

The replaceAll function replaces all instances of the defined character.

Formula: extract last word from a string

replace(prop("Person"), ".* ", "")

round: function for calculations

Rounds number to the nearest integer. Here are different methods for rounding numbers:

  • round() โ†’ round to nearest integer

  • floor() โ†’ round to lowest integer

  • ceil() โ†’ round to highest integer

Formula: round number to nearest hundreth

round(100 * 1.565555) / 100



smaller: operator for arguments

Return if one argument is smaller than another.

smallerEq: operator for arguments

Return if one argument is equal to OR less than another argument.

Formula: return if number is within defined budget

prop("Spent") <= prop("Budget")

slice: function for strings

Extract parts of a string from a defined start and end point.

Formula: progress bar

if(not empty(prop("Read")) and not empty(prop("Total Pages")), slice("โ– โ– โ– โ– โ– โ– โ– โ– โ– โ– ", 0, floor(10 * prop("Read") / prop("Total Pages"))) + slice("โƒžโƒžโƒžโƒžโƒžโƒžโƒžโƒžโƒžโƒž", 0, 10 - floor(10 * prop("Read") / prop("Total Pages"))) + " " + format(floor(100 * prop("Read") / prop("Total Pages"))) + "%", "")

start: function for dates

When using a date-range, return the start date. When using a dateBetween function with a date-range, place the end date in the front of the operation.

Formula: find time elapsed between a date range (days, hours, minutes)

format(dateBetween(end(prop("Date")), start(prop("Date")), "days")) + "d " + format(dateBetween(end(prop("Date")), start(prop("Date")), "hours") % 24) + "h " + format(dateBetween(end(prop("Date")), start(prop("Date")), "minutes") % 60) + "m"

sign: function for calculations

Determine whether a number is positive negative or zero.

  • negative number = -1

  • zero = 0

  • positive number = 1

sqrt: function for calculations

Find square root of a number.

subtract: function for calculations

Subtracts two numbers and returns the difference.



toNumber: function for strings

Convert string to a number.

Formula: extract number from string


test: operator for arguments

Test if a string matches or contains a defined character.

timestamp: function for dates

Return numerical timestamp from a date. Great for creating unique IDs for database entries.

Formula: shortened timestamp of entry's created time

timestamp(prop("Created")) / 1000



unaryPlus: operator for arguments

Return a value for an argument.

  • true = 1

  • false = 0

Formula: find percentage of habit progress

round(100 * (unaryPlus(prop("Habit 1")) + unaryPlus(prop("Habit 2")) + unaryPlus(prop("Habit 3"))) / 3) / 100

unaryMinus: operator for arguments

Convert positive numbers to negative numbers, and negative numbers to positive.

unequal: operator for arguments

Find if one argument does NOT match another. Can also be written as โ€˜x != yโ€™.

Formula: find if date is in the past

prop("Date") < now() and formatDate(prop("Date"), "L") != formatDate(now(), "L")



year: function for dates

Find the year of a defined date or the current date.

Formula: current yearโ€™s progress

floor(100 * if(year(now()) % 4 == 0, toNumber(formatDate(now(), "DDD")) / 366, toNumber(formatDate(now(), "DDD")) / 365)) / 100